Why start this?
Passion. Yes those of you that know my other blog know I am a rather large WoW head and since I blog about it that should be my only real interest right? Hell no. My first love is horror and probably always will be. I like other things too but there is just something about the quickening of one's pulse as some actor goes against your pleases of "run" and walk into the room with the killer that I just can't get my fill of. Now as fall approaches my need for fear really begins to stir. I hunt like a rabid beast for books, movies, comics, and whatever I can find. I am a junky, I freely admit this.
Ok so as to why I have started this blog....well its rather simple. I cant talk about this love on my WoW blog, there is enough ranting and rambling from the game I don't need to mix the two. This is a passion and I think it deserves its own space to fester and rot. I somehow doubt the hand full of people that read my "musings" at Code Red really wanna hear me rant about my thoughts on the remake/3d crazy hollywood is all about right now.
So now you know why. I do hope this is going to be an enjoyable ride for you. The darkness awaits us all....
Yes so many remakes are being done. I am right there with you.